Left click on the “zoom in box” tool on the toolbar. This will activate this tool. 1. A single left click on the map will double the area you can see on the map. This method is slow and inefficient. 2. Left click and drag the mouse pointer diagonally to another part of the map. Release the mouse button and the map will magnify to fit inside this area. This allows the user to “zoom in” directly to their area of interest.
Left click on the “zoom out box” tool on the toolbar and reverse the steps used above.
Alternatively use the Zoom Controls to both zoom in, out and pan sideways or up and down.
Left click on the “home” button on the toolbar. This will take the map back to the starting position whereby the entire Willoughby Council area is visible.
Left click, hold and drag the map to a new location.
Left click on the “View history backward” tool on the toolbar to take the map back to the previous view.
Reverse function to “View history backward” tool above.